logotyp för Malin Eklund


Welcome to my website! I'm Malin Eklund, a passionate UX designer focused on usability and accessibility. I enjoy being part of the whole process, from initial research and concept sketching to pixel adjustments and follow up usability measurements. Below you can find some of the cases I've worked on. Enjoy!

A selection of cases

Concept / Sketching / Wireframe / Prototype / Usability measuring

Communication with Job Seekers

Secure messaging service facilitating communication between case handlers and job seekers.

Wireframing / Prototyping

Digital Consultation with Labor Unions.

Digitalising the labor unions case management of consultation requests from the Swedish Public Employment Service

Research / Concept / Sketching

Video Calls in Home Care Services

Video communication for elderly patients and caregivers. In cooperation with an e-health technology company.

Concept / Sketching / Wireframing / Prototyping

Sustainable and Efficient

Crop Cultivation

Coming soon...

Concept / Sketching / Physical product / Prototyping / EDD / PLEX

Open-air museum for Everyday Life in 1814

Experience driven design for an open-air exhibition showcasing a soldier familys' life in 1814.

Research / Concept / Sketching / Prototyping / User testing 

Administration for Alarm Devices in Elderly Care

Improving an alarm device management system used in residential care